Lately we've noticed that Helena's hair has gotten awfully shaggy.  To be more exact, it was growing into a natural mullet.  Yesterday, we decided it was time to put a stop to the madness, so we took Helena for her very first haircut:

She wasn't too thrilled because she still has a lot of stranger anxiety, but our stylist was very patient and, most importantly, very quick.  I can't believe our one-year old has already had to have a haircut (Sophie didn't have enough hair to cut until she was three!), but now it looks much better and much less mullet-like.
This past weekend, we took the girls to their very first football game.  Sophie was so excited about seeing a really football game up close that she could hardly take a nap that afternoon.  When we got there, she was actually very interested in what was going on during game: 

Helena also really liked the football game:

Her reasons weren't quite the same as Sophie's, though.  Helena wasn't at all interested in the football, but she did meet the new love of her life: stadium concessions!  I think the lady sitting behind us put it best when she commented to the person next to her, "That baby has been eating non-stop since we got here."
After months of consideration, we finally decided we were ready to adopt a pet.  We initially thought we would like to have a dog, but ultimately the low-maintenance, independent nature of cats won us over.  Our original plan was to get one, but we ended up getting two.  With our hectic schedules, we thought it would be nice if they could keep each other company when we're not around.  After meeting with several cats, we settled on the two friendliest, most playful kittens.  So, without further ado, we would like to introduce Buster and Louise:

Although they haven't been here long, we've already learned a lot about them.  For example, Buster can't resist a basket of warm laundry:

And Louise's favorite pastime is lying in wait to attack Buster. Buster's favorite pastime (besides sitting on our laundry) is running away from Louise.  Although Louise wasn't Buster's biggest fan at first, she's warmed up to him very quickly.  We even caught her giving him a hug:

Overall, they're settling in very well and we're having a lot of fun with them.  Sophie is especially enjoying playing with them and they're loving all the attention.  I think they're going to be great additions to our household.