We started our Halloween celebration a few days ago by carving our pumpkins (yes, my husband used a reciprocating saw and a jigsaw):

Sophie and I elected to do ours by hand:

The finished products:

Our girls in their costumes:

I can hardly believe it has been almost three months already since our second little girl was born!

Helena Virginia arrived at 10:21 am on July 21, 2009. She was 7 lbs, 11 oz, and 20 1/4 in long. This is shortly before she arrived:

And this is shortly after:

While she was still in utero, I had nicknamed Helena "Giant Baby". As you can see from this next photo, she lived up to that name:

Not long after Helena was born, we realized that something was wrong with her breathing. Within a matter of hours she was being whisked away to a NICU (so scary!) She was placed on a respirator prior to transport:

And this is what Helena looked like by the end of her first day (sad, isn't it?):

Things started to look better once she was extubated:

And Grandma and sister finally got to hold her again (Sophie was so proud!):

The pre-discharge hearing test (doesn't it look like she's relaxing to some really nice music?):

We were very fortunate that by day 10, Helena was fully recovered and breathing well on her own. Here she is getting ready to go home (finally!):

Sophie was so happy to get her baby sister home:

August 2009, baby orangutan hair:

And taking naps:

September 2009. When Helena really laughs, she wrinkles up her nose! It's one of the cutest things ever:

October 2009. After placing Helena on the ottoman, I noticed that she was craning her neck to watch the OU/Miami game (what a good baby!):

And here is Helena's most recent photo. She's changed so much already:

Okay, here is the last of our Memory Lane posts. Finally, we've reached this past year!

Sophie has always been a bit of an unusual sleeper, as evidenced by these photos from October 2008:

She even falls asleep mid-conversation:

October 2008, Halloween:

November 2008, playing in our leaf piles:

December 2008, Christmas:

March 2008, Sophie's first train ride (on our way to Chicago to celebrate her fourth birthday):

At the Field Museum with Sue:

April 2009, Sophie's first Cardinals game:

April 2009, Easter:

April 2009, "mowing" the lawn (when your Dad works in safety, even a bubble mower requires protective equipment):

May 2009, school field trip. Sophie's favorite part of the trip was the bus ride:

Fourth of July 2009. Apparently the fireworks were extra-exciting this year:

More photos of Sophie (somehow our date stamps are wrong yet again).....

July 2007, with her cousins - so cute:

August 2007, Sophie's first hiking trip and first time fishing:

September 2007, picking apples (and racing dad - notice who's in the lead):

October 2007, Halloween:

December 2007, baking gingerbread men with mom. We finally turned that stupid date stamp off:

And yes, that's Betty Crocker mix in the foreground. If you get anything out of my kitchen, it most likely had its start in a bag or a box.

February 2008, before the monster truck rally. Yes, my baby loves monster trucks - like mother, like daughter:

March 2008, visiting the world's largest underpants. This was the highlight of Sophie's third birthday:

July 2008, Sophie's first time behind the wheel. This is when we found out that she just likes to hit the gas although she has a total inability to steer. Once again, like mother, like daughter:

Sophie's second year brought more new adventures. (Again, ignore the date stamps. Apparently we didn't bother to set our camera until August 2006.)

Here is Sophie in July 2006, watching fireworks for the very first time. I loved her reaction - a gasp, followed by clapping, for every firework:

August 2006, Sophie's first wig (I know it's terrible, but I bought her a wig at Build-A-Bear because I was dying to know what my little bald girl would look like when she finally got some hair):

August 2006, the Festival of Butterflies:

October 2006, Halloween:

November 2006, Thanksgiving:

December 2006, Christmas:

March 2007, Sophie's second birthday: